Month: December 2012

Christmas Eve Gratitude

So, it’s been a while since I paid any attention to this blog.  Mostly because my life goes at such a dizzying speed that I cannot keep up enough to document any of it.  I really need to change the name of my blog, since turns out I wasn’t/am not quarter of the way to Menopause- at least not a quarter of a year from there.  So much has happened since I began hyper-focusing on Menopause and how it might be wrecking havoc in my life.  Changing my attitude and focus, well, that sort of solved the premature Menopause crisis.  How did this happen?  Well, I stopped looking in and started looking out.  Shortly after I named my belly, I carefully began to watch as a friend began to shrink and come out of her shell so to speak.  She was doing this crazy diet plan that I wanted no part of.  I didn’t do liquid plans [turns out it wasn’t a completely liquid plan- yay]; I didn’t do such prescribed plans, and I would never do I plan where I had to purchase food!

Fast forward to Sept. when betty was so big I could not deny her existence and she was making my life miserable- I saw her in store window reflections that startled me, I saw her when I looked down in the shower [or out], I tried to pull my clothing over her or make buttons stay closed… well, you get the idea.  That bitch had to go.  So, I began researching this product and I found that it had chemistry behind it, that it was medically safe [the fact that it was promoted by some physicians did not influence me since I continually question why we give them such trust and responsibility with our health], and most importantly… that it worked.  It worked fast and furiously and I wouldn’t have to think about the zone or the south beach or a point or a calorie or a carb.  I would not have to have the perfect ratio of protein, fat, carb, and fiber because someone else was going to do that for me.  I could take food off the radar and live my *&^%ing life.

Cue to Sept 28 when my shipment arrived.  I’ll post the video later.  I was excited to begin and ready to commit.  Oct. 2nd was my start date, and today.. just a wee 83 days later [just shy of 12 weeks], I’ve gone from 196 to 167 this morning and turned all those numbers on their heads– including the big one I was aiming for- HbA1c.  In fact, it’s down in the normal range again from pre-diabetic and I did that in 2 months!

So, on Christmas Eve, 2012, I am grateful for so many things, the primary being my family and their health and wellness and the love of an incredible man who is my best friend, but I am also grateful that my eyes were opened, that I was given this opportunity to change my health and improve the quality of my life.  I am grateful that I have new self confidence that I can do this- I can take control of my weight and my health.  My only regret is that I didn’t start this 20 years ago.  I am living the secret, and now I truly believe that if I can see it- I can achieve it [which I have long subscribed to but did not believe where my weight was concerned].  And so, this morning, as I contemplate a one day reprieve commencing sometime tomorrow and lasting perhaps 4-8 hours, I am pausing at the precipice, and because of those numbers this morning, I will carefully consider each choice I have to make.  This all fills me with joy.  Merry Christmas!